5 Conditions That Can Benefit From Ozone Therapy

When we hear the word, “ozone,” we might automatically think of our atmosphere and that ozone layer out there that’s protecting us from harmful radiation. Through ozone therapy, we’re bringing the usefulness of ozone closer to home.

The ozone in question is a gas made up of three oxygen atoms, which creates a sort of supercharged oxygen. With ozone therapy, we deliver this oxygen boost to promote healing by speeding up cell regeneration and increasing immunity.

Dr. Jonathan Singer has been a long-time proponent of ozone therapy, which has been used for more than a century to address health issues of all kinds. To give you an idea, here at HealthFirst, we use ozone therapy to address the following five conditions.

1. Diabetic ulcers

Of the hundreds of million of people who have diabetes around the world, up to one-third will develop a diabetic foot ulcer at some point. More alarming still, about 20% of people who develop one of these foot ulcers eventually require lower limb amputation.

This outcome is due to the inability of the diabetic ulcer to heal due to compromised circulation that can’t deliver oxygen-rich blood to promote healing and fend off infection.

With ozone therapy, we introduce this oxygen boost by applying ozone directly to the wound to speed up healing.

2. Herniated discs

Your overall lifetime risk for a herniated disc ranges between 13% and 40%, which makes for some fairly high odds. This painful condition often develops due to degenerative disc disease — the discs in your spine become brittle and they flatten, allowing pieces of the disc to compress sensitive nerve roots in your spine.

Through ozone therapy, our goal is to introduce an oxygen blast via injection to the damaged disc to help it repair itself.

3. Systemic infections like Lyme disease or HIV

Over the century that medical providers have been using ozone therapy, one of the biggest uses is to fight off tough systemic infections like Lyme disease or HIV. These infections launch an assault on your body, and we fight back by introducing ozone intravenously to raise the levels of oxygen in your blood.

With this increase in oxygen, your body is better equipped to fight back against powerful infections.

4. Osteoarthritis

In the United States, about 32.5 million people have doctor-diagnosed osteoarthritis (OA), but this number is likely much higher thanks to an aging population and underreporting.

No matter the stats, if you’re dealing with joint pain and inflammation due to OA, we can improve your joint health through ozone therapy. By introducing supercharged oxygen into your system through ozone, we can encourage joint repair on a cellular level.

5. Fibromyalgia

With this life-changing condition, your sensitivity to pain is heightened, leaving with you chronic and often debilitating discomfort. In addition, issues with fatigue and cognitive function are also associated with fibromyalgia.

As with the other issues we discuss above, we turn to ozone therapy to promote overall healing in your body to combat this chronic pain issue. The elevated oxygen levels in your bloodstream increase your body’s immunity and its ability to fight back against fibromyalgia.

Of course, there are more conditions that can benefit from ozone therapy, but the above paint a fairly clear picture of the potential usefulness of this treatment.

If you’d like to explore whether ozone therapy can benefit your health, we invite you to contact one of our offices in Greenwood Village, Colorado, or Cheyenne, Wyoming, to schedule an appointment.

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