Blog Articles

Can I Have an Autoimmune Disease Without Knowing It?

Can I Have an Autoimmune Disease Without Knowing It?

Because a lot of the symptoms of autoimmune diseases are commonplace, many people unknowingly live with these conditions. Here, we look at common signs you might have an autoimmune issue — and what to do if they sound familiar.
Oct 14th, 2024
10 Potential Signs of Lead Poisoning

10 Potential Signs of Lead Poisoning

Despite nationwide efforts to reduce lead in our environment, lead poisoning of humans still exists in alarmingly high numbers. Here are some signs to look out for and what your next steps should include.
Sep 20th, 2024
3 Triggers for Celiac Disease

3 Triggers for Celiac Disease

Digestive disorders like celiac disease can be incredibly challenging to manage, but focusing your efforts on identifying and avoiding your triggers is a good place to start.
Jun 18th, 2024

5 Conditions That Can Benefit From Ozone Therapy

We hear a lot about ozone when we discuss our environment, but did you know that this gas can play an integral role in healing? Through ozone therapy, we can tackle a number of different health issues.
Apr 4th, 2024
4 Signs of Lupus in Women

4 Signs of Lupus in Women

When your body turns on itself and launches an attack, a good deal of damage and discomfort can ensue. Such is the case with lupus, an autoimmune disorder that largely targets women.
Feb 8th, 2024
5 Signs of Addiction

5 Signs of Addiction

Whether you’re concerned about your own drug or alcohol use, or that of a loved one’s, there are certain red flags that may signal a problem. Here, we take a look at five signs of early addiction.
Oct 1st, 2023
3 Ways Spinal Decompression Relieves Back Pain

3 Ways Spinal Decompression Relieves Back Pain

Your world has become much smaller thanks to back pain, and you want an effective, noninvasive, road to relief. Spinal decompression certainly checks these boxes. Here’s how it works.
Sep 1st, 2023
Healing Diabetic Foot Ulcers With Ozone Therapy

Healing Diabetic Foot Ulcers With Ozone Therapy

When you have diabetes, foot ulcers are a clear and present danger, as they affect up to one-quarter of people with the chronic condition. Healing these ulcers is difficult, but ozone therapy is rising to the challenge.
Aug 1st, 2023
4 Chronic Pain Conditions That Prolotherapy Can Address

4 Chronic Pain Conditions That Prolotherapy Can Address

You’re tired of waking every day with pain and going to bed in the same state. If you’re wary of spot medications that only mask the problem, prolotherapy offers an effective and durable solution for chronic musculoskeletal pain.
Mar 15th, 2023
Are You at Risk for a Herniated Disc?

Are You at Risk for a Herniated Disc?

There’s nothing quite like the discomfort of a herniated disc, which can make even the smallest movement an exercise in misery. If you want to avoid a herniated disc, it’s worth understanding your risks.
Feb 13th, 2023
Tips for Staying Clean and Sober This Year and Beyond

Tips for Staying Clean and Sober This Year and Beyond

You’ve broken free from alcohol or drugs, and you want to maintain your newfound sobriety long into the future. Here are some tips that can help you go the distance, helping you to lead a happy and productive life.
Jan 10th, 2023
Tips for Managing Your Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Tips for Managing Your Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome can hijack your life in almost every way, making it hard to function normally. To fight back against becoming a prisoner of the condition, there are a few strategies that can help.
Oct 11th, 2022
Move More Freely With Prolotherapy

Move More Freely With Prolotherapy

More than 92 million people in the United States have some degree of joint pain and inflammation, hampering their ability to move freely. Explore how prolotherapy may be able to provide relief.
Sep 7th, 2022
What Are Hormones and Why Are They So Important?

What Are Hormones and Why Are They So Important?

Hormones control most everything in the human body, and life would be quite impossible without them. Here’s a look at these tiny chemical messengers and why they’re critical to your health and wellness.
Jul 3rd, 2022
How Chronic Fatigue Can Affect Your Sleep

How Chronic Fatigue Can Affect Your Sleep

For those who live outside the world of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), the assumption might be that sufferers are getting too much sleep. Those who have CFS know that’s not the case, as sleep disorders are common.
Jun 8th, 2022
How Suboxone® Treats Your Opioid Addiction

How Suboxone® Treats Your Opioid Addiction

You’ve tried to quit opioids before, but the intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms send you back to using, time and again. Explore how Suboxone® addresses both issues so you can break free, once and for all.
May 5th, 2022
The Many Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

The Many Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Your hormones play an incredibly large role in your overall health and wellness. When certain hormone levels become imbalanced, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a great way to reestablish metabolic order.
Apr 5th, 2022
How to Avoid Heavy Metal Poisoning

How to Avoid Heavy Metal Poisoning

Our environment is full of potentially toxic materials, such as heavy metals, that can build up in our bodies, causing illness. If you want to avoid heavy metal poisoning, here are a few tips you might consider.
Mar 9th, 2022
Four Reasons Suboxone® Treatment Might Be Right for You

Four Reasons Suboxone® Treatment Might Be Right for You

An opioid use disorder can not only wreak havoc on your life, it can threaten your life. One of the more effective ways to break free from opioids is through Suboxone®, and we review four reasons why this medication may be right for you.
Jan 18th, 2022
What to Do When You Have Type 1 Diabetes

What to Do When You Have Type 1 Diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes, you know that keeping your blood sugar levels in check is paramount. Aside from this all-important task, there are other ways to better manage this autoimmune illness.
Oct 10th, 2021
Reasons to Consider Alternative Cancer Treatment

Reasons to Consider Alternative Cancer Treatment

When you have cancer, not only does the disease wreak havoc on your body, so do many cancer treatments. Through our alternative cancer therapies, we provide your body with the resources it needs to fight back.
Sep 6th, 2021
A Closer Look at Crohn's Disease

A Closer Look at Crohn's Disease

The incidence of inflammatory bowel disease is on the rise in the United States, and Crohn’s disease is one of the primary culprits. Here, we take a closer look at this gastrointestinal issue and how we can help.
Aug 11th, 2021

How Chronic Fatigue Impacts Your Everyday Life

There’s an incredible amount of misunderstanding surrounding chronic fatigue, which can be far more than a simple lack of get-up-and-go. Chronic fatigue can impact your life in innumerable ways, which we explore here.
Jul 7th, 2021

Heavy Metal Poisoning: What You Need to Know

You’re not feeling well, with unexplained symptoms that affect everything from your gastrointestinal health to your energy levels. The answer may lie in heavy metals that compromise your body’s functions.
Jun 23rd, 2021

What Causes Drug and Alcohol Addiction?

Addiction is an incredibly complex condition as it’s a disease that affects how your brain functions. Here’s a look at what happens when an addiction takes hold and how we can help you break free.
May 7th, 2021

5 Signs of Sjögren’s Syndrome

While it may not be a household name, Sjögren’s syndrome affects about 4 million people in the United States. Here’s a look at some of the more common symptoms of this autoimmune illness.
Apr 5th, 2021

Are There Natural Treatments for Cancer?

A cancer diagnosis oftens means a long journey during which the body is under assault, by both the disease and the cure. Through natural cancer treatments, we help boost your immune system to better weather the assault.
Mar 7th, 2021

How to Manage Fibromyalgia with Ozone Therapy

When it comes to fibromyalgia, it may seem as if there are more mysteries than answers. We understand this frustration, which is why we’re pleased to offer a very promising treatment — ozone therapy.
Feb 8th, 2021

5 Reasons to Consider Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

The human body works best when everything is in balance, especially when it comes to your hormones. If there’s a deficiency, explore the advantages of restoring order through bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.
Jan 24th, 2021

Am I Just Tired or Is It Chronic Fatigue?

Americans lead busy lives, which often leave us exhausted and running on fumes. If you’re feeling overwhelmingly fatigued, however, the answer may lie in chronic fatigue syndrome. Here’s how to tell the difference.
Dec 1st, 2020

Prolotherapy for Tendonitis: What to Expect

Tendonitis anywhere in your body can lead to nagging pain and reduce your ability to move freely. While rest is key, we can accelerate healing with prolotherapy. Here’s how it works and what you can expect.
Nov 5th, 2020

Boost Your Immune System With IV Nutrient Infusions

If there’s one takeaway from the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s the importance of a strong and healthy immune system. With flu season about to begin and COVID-19 going strong, now’s the time to boost your immunity. Here’s how IV nutrient infusions can help.
Oct 6th, 2020

How Prolotherapy Promotes Healing From Within

The human body is incredibly self-sufficient, continuously regenerating and repairing itself. Through prolotherapy, we amplify the call for healing resources where you need it most, stimulating your tissues to heal from within.
Aug 18th, 2020

The Effects of Toxic Levels of Metals in the Human Body

Heavy metals generally have a bad reputation, but some are necessary for your health — in very small amounts. When they build up, however, these same metals can be highly toxic and impact most all of the functions in your body.
Jul 22nd, 2020

Natural Treatments for Joint Pain

Don’t let joint aches and pain run your life. There are natural treatments you can try that will help relieve your joint pain and allow you to enjoy all the things you used to.
Jun 10th, 2020

The Many Benefits of Ozone Therapy

If you haven’t heard about ozone therapy, you should know it’s one of the leading alternative medicine treatments. Ozone therapy offers numerous benefits that can significantly improve your health.
May 13th, 2020

Sjögren’s Syndrome: Can Diet Help?

Suffering from dry eyes and dry mouth when you have Sjögren’s syndrome can be disruptive. There are a few ways your diet can help you tackle the symptoms.
Apr 1st, 2020
To find out how chelation therapy can help you detoxify your body and restore optimal health, call your nearest HealthFirst o

What Is Chelation Therapy?

When heavy metals like lead, mercury, and arsenic build up in your tissues, they can wreak havoc on your health. Here’s how chelation therapy works to rid your body of these dangerous substances and restore your well-being.
Nov 21st, 2019