Spinal Decompression May Hold the Key to Your Lower Back Pain

Spinal Decompression May Hold the Key to Your Lower Back Pain

If you’re struggling with lower back pain, you’re not alone — 80% of people in the United States experience the problem at some point in their lives, and 25% of the population reports back within the past three months.

Like millions of others, you’re not keen on the idea of back surgery and nor do you want to take medications that simply mask the problem. Luckily, there are other solutions, including spinal decompression therapy.

As an alternative medicine specialist, HealthFirst’s Dr. Jonathan Singer believes that remedies don’t need to be invasive or risky. All too often, we fight our bodies rather than work with them to solve a problem, which is why Dr. Singer focuses on nonsurgical and holistic solutions.

A great example of this is our use of spinal decompression therapy to combat lower back pain. 

Understanding lower back pain

Your spine stretches from the base of your skull down to your pelvis and contains 33 vertebrae and 23 intervertebral discs. The vertebrae provide the foundational support for your entire body and the discs help with cushioning and movement between the vertebrae.

When it comes to problems along your spine, they tend to develop in areas where you enjoy the most movement, namely your cervical spine (neck) and your lumbar spine (lower back).

One of the leading causes of lower back pain is degenerative disc disease, which leads to a breakdown in the structure and integrity of the discs, making them more vulnerable to bulging or herniating. As a result of the disc compressing and escaping its space along your spine, sensitive nerve roots that exit your spine can be compressed, which can lead to lower back pain that often radiates down into your lower extremities.

Creating more space

As you can see, the primary issue when it comes to disc-related lower back pain is compression in your lumbar spine. 

With nonsurgical spinal decompression therapy, our goals are threefold:

  1. Create negative pressure in your spine to encourage your disc to retract
  2. Allow more healing resources to gain access to your damaged disc
  3. Avoid risky surgeries or medications

To accomplish the nonsurgical decompression, we use a special traction table to gently pull on your spine. Rest assured, the treatments aren’t painful, and we only apply enough traction to create more space for your discs to reposition themselves.

While one treatment can offer ample relief for lower back pain, if you’re struggling with chronic lower pain, you may benefit from a series of nonsurgical spinal decompression treatments, followed by periodic maintenance treatments.

In working with your body to encourage healing naturally, nonsurgical spinal decompression offers meaningful results that last.

If you’d like to learn more about how nonsurgical spinal decompression can combat lower back pain, please contact one of our offices in Greenwood Village, Colorado, or Cheyenne, Wyoming, to schedule a consultation.

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