Natural Treatments for Joint Pain

If moving and going about your regular day causes your joints to ache, there are natural treatments you can try to make the pain go away. At HealthFirst, Dr. Jonathan Singer takes a holistic approach to medicine and focuses on using natural treatments to improve your health. 

You don’t have to suffer and hope your joint pain goes away. Dr. Singer has a number of tips that can help you get the kind of treatment your body needs. Here are some of the natural treatments that work best for joint relaxation. 

Exercise for joint pain

One of the most helpful treatments for easing your joint pain is regular exercise. Try low-impact exercises that get your body moving without bearing significant weight on your muscles. 

Exercises like water aerobics, swimming, and cycling allow you to flex your joints without creating too much stress. Running and walking are good in short increments, but it can be damaging for someone with arthritis. 

Hot and cold therapy

Joint pain can be helped by a number of cold and hot treatments. Taking long, warm showers or baths in the morning can make a huge difference in relaxing stiff joints. 

If you experience swelling or inflammation of your joints, cold treatments will reduce the swelling and pain. Try wrapping a gel ice pack around your joints for quick relief. 


You can find an effective treatment in acupuncture. Acupuncture involves inserting thin needs into specific parts of your body to release pain from muscles and joints. It’s regarded as a useful treatment for arthritis patients and it’s low risk. 

Increased fatty acids

The key to decreasing joint swelling and inflammation is to increase the amount of fatty acids in your diet. Foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids can prevent pain and help you live a healthier lifestyle. Such foods include vegetables, whole grains, and fish. 

You can also consume Omega-3 oil as tablet supplements, but check with your doctor before taking them. 

Massage therapy 

Sometimes the best thing to help relieve your joint pain is regular massage therapy. Seeking massage therapy at a spa or a physical therapist can help manage your aches and pains, and increase the mobility of your joints. 


Prolotherapy can help resolve a number of joint conditions. Prolotherapy consists of an injection of a substance, such as sugar, that activates your body’s natural healing response. 

This treatment can help resolve causes of joint pain such as damaged ligaments, tendons, cartilage, and spinal discs. Prolotherapy can also help patients who suffer from osteoarthritis. 

This is a good option if you’re older, since your body’s ability to heal on its own is significantly reduced with proper treatment. 

Ready to let go of joint pain? Schedule an appointment at one of the offices in Greenwood Village, Colorado, and Cheyenne, Wyoming, by calling or booking online today. 


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