What to Do When You Have Type 1 Diabetes

What to Do When You Have Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is a chronic autoimmune illness that can hijack your life in many ways as you struggle to keep your (or your child’s) blood sugar levels well-regulated. While insulin shots or an insulin pump can provide this crucial hormone, there are other steps you can take to manage this disease.

At HealthFirst, Dr. Jonathan Singer and our team understand that Western medicine has its limits, which is why we focus on alternative therapies that go to the source of the issue. This approach can be especially important when it comes to autoimmune illnesses like type 1 diabetes.

Here’s a look at how we might go about treating your type 1 diabetes.

Understanding why

One of the keys to our success is that we take the time to fully analyze our patients so that we better understand why they may have contracted an illness. Type 1 diabetes is a bit different in that it typically first develops in children, which is why it used to be called juvenile diabetes.

Researchers are still unclear as to the exact cause of type 1 diabetes, but they have identified certain genes that tend to increase the risk for developing this disease. As well, there’s some evidence that an environmental trigger, such as a virus, may also play a role.

At our practice, we take a very close look at these potential risks, which can help us devise a treatment plan that addresses your unique circumstances and risk factors. Of course, there’s little we can do about the genetic component, but it is important to learn whether your type 1 diabetes may have been triggered by something in your environment.

Managing type 1 diabetes

While delivering insulin is both crucial and effective, there are other ways in which we can help your body better regulate its blood sugar levels when you have type 1 diabetes.

First and foremost, we spend an ample amount of time discussing your diet and exercise habits, and we recommend steps you can take to regulate the amount of glucose in your bloodstream.

There are also supplements that may help manage your type 1 diabetes, such as chromium, vitamin D, and cinnamon. We caution that you don’t just go out and buy these supplements on your own, as we have to first evaluate your overall health to decide which ones may be appropriate, Not to mention, many supplements can be interact with other medications, such as blood thinners.

We may also turn to chelation therapy to rid your body of any toxic heavy metals so that you’re in the best health possible. In other words, part of our goal is to strengthen your health overall so your body is better equipped to handle an autoimmune illness like type 1 diabetes.

It’s difficult to describe here what your treatment plan may look like as we create each one on a patient-by-patient basis. If you want to explore alternative methods for managing your type 1 diabetes, we invite you to contact one of our two offices in Greenwood Village, Colorado, or Cheyenne, Wyoming, to set up a consultation.

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