The Effects of Toxic Levels of Metals in the Human Body

Humans are nothing if not creative, as witnessed by the evolution of our world from one where stone chisels were an advanced technology to today, where we have massive machinery that produces everything from ice cream to cars. 

All of this was fueled by heavy metals found in the natural world — we just concentrated and combined them for our needs. Unfortunately, this has led to levels of toxicity that affect humans and the planet we live on.

At HealthFirst, Dr. Jonathan W. Singer and our team specialize in heavy metal poisoning, which can have a widespread impact on your body. We offer chelation therapy to help our patients regain their health.

To give you a better idea about the effect of toxic metals, we’ve pulled together what you need to know about heavy metals and the human body and what we can do about toxic levels of metals.

Heavy metals: Too much of a good thing

The human body requires small amounts of heavy metals like zinc, copper, and iron. We get these metals mainly through our diet. Unfortunately, we’ve created a world where these metals surround us in our homes, at work, and wherever there’s human activity. 

Over time, you may gradually absorb the metals in your environment. This can lead to dangerously high levels of toxins in your system that can cause damage in your:

Research into the effect of heavy metals on the human body is ongoing, but studies suggest that heavy metal poisoning can lead to declining physical, muscular, and neurological functions, as well as some cancers.

The primary heavy metal culprits

Of the many metals that are found in our world, there are 23 that are of particular concern. Some of the more common are:

These metals are commonly found in your environment and can be absorbed through your skin, inhaled, or eaten.

Recognizing heavy metal poisoning

The effects that heavy metal poisoning can have on your body are wide ranging and depend on the metals you’re exposed to. Symptoms range from chronic fatigue to gastrointestinal issues. If you have a medical complaint that you’ve yet to find an answer for, it’s absolutely worth taking a deeper dive into heavy metals to see if they play a role. 

At our practice, we perform extensive and exhaustive evaluations of our patients to determine if heavy metals are to blame for their declines in health.

If we find evidence of toxic poisoning at the hands of heavy metal, we turn to chelation therapy, an IV therapy that flushes the toxins from your body. As an added bonus, we also add antioxidants and important vitamins and nutrients to your IV therapy to further boost your health.

To find out if your health is impacted by heavy metal poisoning and receive chelation therapy, call one of our locations in Greenwood Village, Colorado, or Cheyenne, Wyoming, or book an appointment online today.

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