Four Reasons Suboxone® Treatment Might Be Right for You

We’re going to begin this discussion with an incredibly sobering statistic from the CDC — overdose deaths due to opioids in the United States rose exponentially during the 12-month period ending April 2021 compared to the same period a year prior, with nearly 76,000 deaths compared to a little more than 56,000 the year ending in April 2020.
It’s stats like these that compel Dr. Jonathan Singer and the team here at HealthFirst to do our part to combat these truly frightening numbers. To that end, we offer Suboxone® as part of our addiction treatment program, and we’ve had great success.
If you want to explore using Suboxone to break free from an opioid use disorder, we review reasons why this approach might be right for you.
1. Weathering withdrawal
When you have an opioid use disorder, there are two sides to the equation — dependence and addiction. Dependence refers to the reliance your body has developed toward the opioid, which is what creates withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop. These withdrawal symptoms present a huge hurdle to quitting and are strong enough that they can send you back to using, time and again.
With Suboxone, we can greatly ease these withdrawal symptoms since the drug contains both a partial opioid agonist (buprenorphine) and an opioid antagonist (naloxone). In laymen’s terms, Suboxone contains a small amount of opioids to offset your withdrawal symptoms, while also preventing you from getting “high,” and activating the addiction side of your opioid use disorder.
2. Maintaining your early recovery
Once you get past the dependence side of opioid use with Suboxone, the treatment continues to play a valuable role in controlling the cravings that often lead people to relapse in early recovery. When you use opioids, your brain slowly rewires itself to crave more of the drug. Even when you get past detoxing, your brain is still actively demanding more even though your body no longer does.
Suboxone helps to control these cravings, allowing you to concentrate on your recovery and gaining control over your life again.
3. The safety of Suboxone
Much has been said about whether Suboxone can be abused or lead to overdose, and we’d like to shed some light on these subjects. Any drug can be misused, but Suboxone contains a partial agonist, which means the drug's effects are limited and you can’t reach the same “high.”
This also means that it would be extremely difficult to overdose on Suboxone, unless you’re mixing it with real opioids and/or benzodiazepines.
Not to mention, when you take Suboxone under our supervision, we ensure you’re getting the right dosage for your needs, and we’re with you every step of the way should we need to make any adjustments.
4. Getting you to your next steps
When you take Suboxone as part of your recovery plan, it allows you to concentrate on areas that will help deliver long-term and sustainable results. Instead of white-knuckling your withdrawal and cravings, Suboxone eases the way forward so you can take the steps necessary to break free from your addiction.
Here again, our team is with you, and we guide you in the right direction, ensuring that you get the counseling and support you need. We may also recommend IASIS Micro Current Neurofeedback, which can help rebalance your brain activity.
If you’d like to learn more about Suboxone and whether this treatment is right for you, please contact one of our two offices in Greenwood Village, Colorado, or Cheyenne, Wyoming, to set up a consultation.
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